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Practical guidance and healing from your soul

Get channeled messages and energy healing so you can see your worth, choose yourself, and get what you want faster. These sessions are targeted, efficient and magical all at once.



What are the Akashic Records?

In simple terms, the Akashic Records are a library–or record–of your soul. Imagine shelves of books with all the details of your soul’s experiences in the past, present and future. (Yes, all of your lives). 

You don’t need to access all the information contained there; a lot of it isn’t relevant or helpful in your current situation. But when we tap into your Records, we can pull out the important bits that will help you get through new challenges and experiences. Whatever comes through, you can trust that you are ready to hear it, and it’s there to lovingly support you.

Practically speaking, the Akashic Records can give you advice, guidance and shift your thinking to help you get what you want more easily. And while we’re in there, you receive healing and channeled messages to upgrade your energy and facilitate the process further.

Why I love the Akashic Records & how I use them to support you

People use the Akashic Records in all kinds of ways: to hear from spirit guides or past loved ones; to learn about their past lives; to simply sit with an intuitive reader who can tell you all the things about yourself you’ve never said out loud.

It feels magical, warm and fuzzy to receive messages that are wrapped in love. You get tingly sensations when you access a dimension that doesn’t feel quite like earth. There are surprises that you didn’t expect to hear, but you know are true. And there’s the emotional release that comes when you hear exactly what you need.

But when it comes down to it, the reason I am completely enamored with the Akashic Records is because they are practical and specific. You can zoom in on the areas of your life that feel the hardest and get support that makes it easier. And you can do it really fast.


It’s so spot-on that you know you need to follow through on what you hear. And if you’re bad at pushing yourself to do things that feel hard or uncomfortable, that’s why I’m there to walk you through the session, tell it like it is, and pull out the tangible actions you need to do ASAP. Then, you just take action and see how good it gets to be.


You don’t have to talk things through for hours and hours of sessions. You don’t have to fill a whole journal with your feelings, traumas and realizations. With the Akashic Records, you ask and you receive. Do you always get what you wanted or expected? Nope. But you get what you need, every damn time, whether that be a gentle reminder, a firm callout, or a creative suggestion.

And the energy healing element? It’s targeted AF. A whole-body reiki session is great, but if you want to heal the thing that’s keeping you stuck from feeling healthy, finding your life partner or building your dream business, you want to go into the Akashic Records. You can literally ask what kind of healing you need to get the thing you want, and you will receive it (the healing, the answer, the solution), whatever it might look like. It answers your question and wastes no time on the superfluous details that won’t get you where you want to go.


When booking your Akashic Healing, you fill out a form with your priorities. We’ll review and refine these at the start of your session.
When I open up your Akashic Records, you may feel an energy shift, sensations, or strong emotions. I'll begin asking questions.

I share what comes through, be it directly channeled verbal messages, a description of visuals or sensations, or any other insights that come through. The messages received can be quite healing on their own, but you will also receive targeted energy healing (like reiki) if that is needed to answer your questions and/or support you in integrating the information provided.

While these sessions were formerly called "readings," the level of deep energy healing and upgrades you receive warranted a name change. This may include trauma release, inner child healing, cord cutting, past life or ancestral healing, chakra balancing and more.

You will receive an audio recording after the session, so you can review it later. Most people find that they get more each time they listen to the recording, as you get quite a lot in a single hour, so it’s helpful to go back and reflect further. 

All sessions are remote and location is unimportant; energetic transmission isn't limited by time or space.


Some things clients have left with include…

  • Marketing tactics to grow their business

  • Healing from a toxic past relationship

  • How to make more money using their strengths

  • Trusting their intuition with greater confidence

  • Leaving their job and finding something better

  • Insights on how to help their child overcome fears

  • Supplements and foods to give their sensitive pet

  • Relief of physical pain

  • Learning how to reconnect with estranged family

  • Reduced stress, anxiety and overwhelm

  • How to further open up their intuitive gifts

  • Dietary & mindset shifts to improve digestive health

  • Connection & closure with a passed loved one

  • Better boundaries and communication with family

  • Knowing what to do next to find their life partner

  • Finding friends who understand and support them


I never intended to do this. I signed up for an intuitive development course to further develop my gifts and connect with other women who were on a similar spiritual path. The woman teaching the course also happened to be a gifted Akashic Records reader, and she trained and attuned us to read them.


I loved it, but thought it would be something I only used for myself. I regularly go into my own records for support in my business, health, personal life and more. But people started hearing about it and asking me to read theirs. Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it, but I received some powerful messages that it's something I was meant to do. I tried, and it worked really well. I got a lot of referrals and repeat clients. So here we are.


This one-of-a-kind experience is always evolving as I connect to higher guidance, Source energy, and each soul who steps into my sessions. To say that you get channeled guidance, healing and deep connection to your highest self would all be true. They do not come in equal measure, but rather in the measure that your highest self knows you need. I am simply a pathway to direct what is needed to you so that you can go to your next level. What you leave with will be different every time. Come with an open mind and heart so you can receive what you deserve—what your soul knows you need, but you haven’t been able to hear. I will hold space for you to heal and move forward with truly tangible, actionable insights.



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I've worked with several Akashic readers, and this is not your typical reading! 

Jordana is such a bright light, powerful healer and gifted intuitive. Our session was so empowering. I felt loved, safe and seen. We covered so much, going places I didn’t know I needed to go. Not only do you receive guidance, but powerful healing. 

I also received exercises and practices to continue healing on my own. I encourage you to listen to your recording at least once, if not more. You will continue to receive healing and insights each time, as there is so much to integrate. Thank you, Jordana, for sharing your gifts with the world!


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